How Can You Get Your Passport in a Hurry?
Expedited Service:
- Cost, in addition to regular application fees, an
additional fee per application plus
overnight delivery costs.
- Two-way overnight delivery is
strongly suggested.
- If you mail in - clearly mark Expedited on the envelope.
- Anyone may request expedited service
for any type of application (e.g., first-time applications, renewals,
amendments of existing passports, etc.)
- Passport applications sent together
or at the same time do not necessarily remain together.
- Passports will be mailed separately.
Ordinarily, if you paid additionally for
expedited service and two-way overnight delivery
Within about 2 weeks
Service - Ordinarily, within 6 weeks
Include your departure date on your application.
Payment Method
Passport Agency:
- Major Credit Card - Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, Discover or debit card (Not ATM and without a pin)
- Personal Check
- Bank Draft, Postal or Commercial Money Order
- Personal Check or Money Order (Pay to
"U.S. Department of State")
Post Office, Clerk of Court, Other Location: Check with the facility for type
of payment accepted.