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German Grammar Guidebook

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(11th of 11)

To find out the temperature, Germans ask:

Was ist die Temperatur?
or: Wie heiß (hot) ist es?
or: Wie kalt (cold) ist es?

The answer is in degrees Celsius (written: °C) (spoken: Grad Celsius). The list below gives an idea of important equivalent temperatures for many situations.

  °C °F
boil water 100 212
Sahara 50+ 122+
high fever 40 104
body heat 37 98.6
beach weather 30 86
room temp. 20 68
cool & fresh 15 59
light jacket 10 50
coat & hat 5 41
snow 0 32
gloves & scarf -5 23
skate on pond -10 14
longjohns -18 0
Siberia -38 -38

Examples of Temperature

  • Guten Morgen. Ein schöner sonniger Tag, nicht wahr?