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German Grammar Guidebook

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Definite Articles in Dative

The masculine and neuter singular signal dative with -m, the feminine singular with -r, and the plural for all genders with -n.


  Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular dem der dem
Plural den den den


Nouns in the Dative Plural

Add an -n to the nominative plural form to make the dative plural.

Singular der Tag
Nominative Plural die Tage
Dative Plural an den Tagen

If the nominative plural of a noun already ends in -n or -s, nothing is added.

Singular die Bank
Nominative Plural die Banken
Dative Plural zu den Banken

Singular das Hotel
Nominative Plural die Hotels
Dative Plural zu den Hotels

Currency denominations always retain their dictionary entry form:

Mit Dollar, Yen, Mark, Schilling, Pfund zahlen.

The Dative Case: Indefinite Article

The singular indefinite article takes the same endings as the definite article: -m for masculine and neuter, -r for feminine. The plural indefinite forms have no article at all.


  Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular einem einer einem

Dative Case: Indirect Objects or Beneficiaries

Indirect objects are the beneficiaries of the action described in a sentence. In English, indirect objects may sometimes be signaled by the preposition "to" or "for."

Give the book to them. OR: Give them the book.
Sing a song for me. OR: Sing me a song.

To express a German indirect object, use only the dative (no prepositions!).

Geben Sie mir auch 10 Briefmarken.
Give me also ten stamps.

Examples of Dative

  • Ja, das bringe ich Ihnen sofort herauf. Sonst noch etwas?