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Spanish Grammar Guidebook

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Numbers above 100

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(3rd of 6)

101 ciento uno/una 700 setecientos/as
200 doscientos/as 800 ochocientos/as
300 trescientos/as 900 novecientos/as
400 cuatrocientos/as 1.000 mil
500 quinientos/as 2.000 dos mil
600 seiscientos/as 1.000.000 un millón 

Ciento is used with numbers from 1-99 to express numbers 101-199: ciento setenta y nueve, etc. Cien is used in counting and before numbers greater than 999: cien mil, cien millones, etc. When numbers 200-900 precede a noun, they agree in gender: trescientas habitaciones, etc. In counting, mil does not have a plural form (tres mil, seis mil) but millón does: dos millones, cinco millones, etc.