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German Grammar Guidebook

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Subjunctive: Perfect Tense Sentence Structure

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(37th of 38)

Joining two subjunctive clauses follows the word order rules already introduced. The main clause has normal word order; the subordinate clause has subordinate word order.

Main Clause
  Front End
Du wärest erfolgreich gewesen,
Subordinate Clause
  End Front
wenn du Deutsch gesprochen hättest.
You would have been successful, if you had spoken German.
  Front End
Wir hätten Sie früher eingeladen,
  End Front
wenn wir nicht immer verreist wären
We would have invited you earlier, if we hadn't always been out of town.

If the subordinate clause precedes, the front bracket of the main clause immediately follows the subordinate clause.

Subordinate Clause
  End Front
Wenn ich das anders gemacht hätte,
Main Clause
Front End
hätte ich mehr Zeit gehabt.
If I had done that differently, I would have had more time.

  End Front
Wenn Sie früher gekommen wären,
Front End
hätten Sie mehr gesehen.
If you had come earlier, you would have seen more.