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Subordinating Conjunctions

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(5th of 6)

The prepositions während (meaning "during") and wegen (meaning "because of") take the genitive case in standard German. In informal conversation, wegen increasingly is heard with the dative.


während des Tages during the day
während des Essens during the meal
während der Messe during the trade fair


wegen des Zeitunterschieds because of the time difference
wegen der Aussicht because of the view
wegen des Wetters because of the weather

The Subordinating Conjunctions weil versus während

The subordinating conjunction weil means "because" and is followed by a clause (=subject + predicate).

Er musste zu Hause arbeiten, weil das Wetter nicht gut war.
He had to work at home because the weather was bad.

The subordinating conjunction während means "while" or "whereas."

Er wollte die Alpen sehen, während er in Deutschland war.
He wanted to see the Alps while he was in Germany.
Frag an der Kasse danach, während ich weiter nach etwas für Lilo suche.
Ask at the cashiers, while I keep looking for something for Lilo.

The Preposition wegen vs. the Conjunction weil

Wegen is a preposition with the genitive and is followed by a noun object. Its English equivalent "because of" is followed by a noun.

Wegen des Schnees konnte niemand kommen.
Because of the snow, no one was able to come.

Weil is a subordinating conjunction and is followed by a subject and a verb, i.e. a clause. Its English equivalent "because" is followed by the clause.

Weil es geschneit hat, konnte niemand kommen.
Because it snowed, noone was able to come.

Examples of Subordinating Conjunctions weil, wegen, während

  • Während der Messe sind wir ziemlich ausgebucht.
  • wegen einer Wohnungskaution ausstellen.
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