
Learn to Speak French Online:
French Grammar Guidebook

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Present Participle

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(38th of 46)

In another section, you learned about Past Participles. In the Preview section of this program you see the use of another participle, the Present Participle.

Je suis sorti en oubliant les clés.
I left without my keys. (Literally: I left while forgetting my keys.)

To form the Present Participle, use the nous form of the Present tense of the verb, drop the –ons and add –ant.

Three common exceptions to this rule are être—étant, avoir—ayant and savoir—sachant.

The Present Participle is used to express:

1. Instrumental Action: something is accomplished by doing something:

En étudiant tous les jours, j'ai réussi à apprendre le français.
I succeeded in learning French by studying every day.

2. Simultaneous Action: something occurs while something else is going on.

Je suis sorti en oubliant mes clés.
I left without my keys.
En lisant le journal, je me suis rendu compte...
While reading the newspaper I realized...

3. Sequential Action:

Ayant terminé ses études, Pierre s'est rendu en France pour y trouver un emploi.
Having finished his studies, Pierre went to France to find a job.

4. Descriptive: to describe how an action is performed

Il s'est mis à le poursuivre, criant à haute voix—"Au voleur!"
He took off in pursuit, screaming as loud as he could—"Stop the thief!"

Note that in all the above cases, the Present Participle modifies the action of the subject.

Note also that the English Present Progressive ("am doing") IS NEVER translated by the Present Participle.

Examples of Present Participle

  • Bon. C'était lundi tôt le matin et je suis sorti pour chercher le journal en oubliant les clés.
  • Je me suis tiré de cette situation en courant de toute vitesse vers le centre-ville.
  • Tu peux bien t'imaginer que j'étais poursuivi d'une meute criant à haute voix "Au voleur! Au voleur!"