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Modal Verb

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(7th of 38)

The present tense of the verb sollen—"ought to" is conjugated as follows:

ich soll wir sollen
Sie sollen Sie sollen
er/sie/es/man soll sie sollen


Was sollen wir heute Abend machen?
What should we do tonight?
Tja, was soll man da sagen.
Well, what can I say to that.

Sollen is often used in the past tense form, to express "should."

Du solltest nicht so viel schlafen.
You shouldn't sleep so much.
Er sollte mal vorbeikommen.
He should come by here sometime.

In this idiomatic usage, the past tense forms are not indicative of tense, but rather change the meaning of "ought to" to the less urgent "should."

Examples of Modal Verb sollen

  • Wo soll ich die Koffer hinstellen, mein Herr?
  • Die neue Aufführung von Goethes Faust soll hervorragend sein,