
Learn to Speak French Online:
French Grammar Guidebook

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(11th of 12)

The superlative in English is expressed in words such as "best," "biggest," "strongest," etc. It's a frequently used construction in the English manner of speech, but is comes far less often into play in French. Generally, the French avoid superlatives. It nevertheless exists and is formed by combining the definitive article with the comparative form of the adjective or adverb:

C'est la plus haute tour de France.
It's the highest tower of France.
C'est le train le plus rapide du monde.
It's the fastest train in the world.
Marie danse le plus élégamment de sa famille.
Marie dances the most elegantly of her family.

As you can see from these examples, the superlative is placed in the same position as the adjective or adverb.