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Real versus Unreal Conditions: "If" Clauses

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Conditional Statements: Causes and Effects

A conditional sentence describes a logical or causal connection between one event or action (the condition or cause) and another (the consequence or effect):

If you don’t brush your teeth (condition), they will fall out (consequence).

Sometimes we state the outcome first and the condition second.

Ich hole ein paar Suppen in Dosen, wenn ich daran vorbeikomme.
I will get a few cans of soup, if I pass by.

Sometimes either the consequence or the condition is left unspoken.

Wenn wir nur mehr Zeit in Deutschland hätten!
If we only had more time in Germany!
Er hätte dich sicher angerufen...
He certainly would have called you...

Real Conditions vs. Unreal Conditions

Some conditions seem plausible or likely and are called real.

Wenn es morgen regnet, bleiben wir zu Hause.
If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay home.

Other conditions seem implausible, unlikely, or impossible, and are called unreal.

Wenn es morgen regnen würde, würden wir zu Hause bleiben.
If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay home.

Examples of Real versus Unreal Conditions: "If" Clauses

  • Ich werde mit ihm sprechen, wenn ich ihn sehe.