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Relative Pronouns

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(9th of 11)

A relative pronoun is used when you want to link two sentences that share a common element. Depending on the function that the pronoun has in the relative clause, either qui or que are used.

The Subject Pronoun qui:

C'est un jeune homme qui a brûlé un feu rouge.
It's a young man who ran a red light.
Tu connais la maison qui se trouve sur la colline Bunting? Ma sœur vient de l'acheter.
Do you know the house that sits on Bunting Hill? My sister just bought it.
La dame, qui est venue de la Côte d'Ivoire avec Jean-Luc, est rentrée il y a deux semaines.
The lady who came with Jean-Luc from the Ivory Coast returned two weeks ago.

Note that in English we make a distinction between a person ("who") and a thing ("that"). In French, qui is used for both cases. Note also, that normal agreement rules apply for qui: where qui replaces a feminine noun, all necessary agreements must be made (see the last example).

The Direct Object Pronoun que:

La clé que vous avez ouvre la grande porte.
The key (that) you have opens the big door.
La jeune femme que vous venez de rencontrer est votre nouvelle voisine
The young woman (whom) you've just met is your new neighbor.

Note that in English we make a distinction between a person (whom) and a thing (that). In French que is used for both cases. Note also that English can drop the relative pronoun—in French it is always expressed.

Remember that when a direct object precedes the Past Participle, the Past Participle shows agreement with that direct object. This applies also to the relative pronoun que:

La maison qu'il a achetée est très belle
The house that he bought is very beautiful.

La maison is feminine. Que is referring back to la maison and is therefore a feminine direct object. The Past Participle achetée reflects agreement with the added –e.

Examples of Relative Pronouns

  • C'est un jeune homme qui a brûlé un feu rouge.
  • Ce sont les jeunes gens que vous avez vus?
  • Regarde tous ces livres que j'ai achetés. J'adore les livres!