In English, it is possible to compound certain prepositions with the prefixes "here-," "there-," and "where-."
Herein. Whereby. Thereupon. |
Similarly, German uses da- before prepositions beginning with consonants and dar- preceding vowels.
daneben |
next to it/them |
darüber |
about it/them |
Whereas English words like "thereupon" seem quaint, the German compounds are perfectly normal in conversation. Da represents an object which is abstract or inanimate.
Ich hätte diese Sachen gern übermorgen oder am Tag danach. |
Id like these things the day after tomorrow or the day after that. |
Dieses Geld! Was soll ich damit machen? |
This money! What should I do with it? |
Könnten Sie auch ein paar kleine Flickarbeiten daran machen? |
Could you also do a few small repairs on them? |
Die Ferienwohnungen. Könnten Sie mir Auskunft darüber
geben? |
Could you give me information about them? |