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Possessive Pronouns

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(7th of 8)

Here are the possessive pronouns in English:

1st person, singular—mine

3rd person, singular—his, hers, its

1st person, plural—ours

2nd person, sing./pl.—yours

3rd person, plural—theirs

In English, the gender and number of the possessor determines the form of the possessive pronoun:

–I have a bicycle. It's mine.

–They have some bread. It's theirs.

NOTE: Often the subject of the verb is not the person who owns the noun. Be careful about this. You must know the gender and number of the owner to be able to use possessive pronouns correctly:

–Are you driving his car or hers?

–We're driving hers.

Examples of Possessive Pronouns

  • That's my book. It's mine.
  • Is that your drink, or is it his?