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Pronominal Verbs

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In French, many verbs are used with a subject pronoun AND another pronoun—sometimes called a reflexive pronoun. Although this second pronoun is often not translated into other languages, it nevertheless expresses a nuance in the way the action is perceived.

For example: s’asseoir—"to sit down," "to sit (oneself) down"

Although we do not view the action of sitting down as reflecting back on the subject, we do have in English similar ways of indicating that the principal beneficiary of the action is the subject: "please be seated," "seat yourself."

Below you will find two other examples of reflexive verbs (se lever—"to get up" and se réveiller—"to wake up") used in sentences:

Je me réveille à six heures vingt.
I wake up (wake myself up) at six-twenty a.m.
Vous vous levez à six heures trente.
You get up (get yourself up) at six-thirty a.m.

The reflexive pronouns for a fully conjugated verb look as follows:

Subject Pronoun Pronominal/ Reflexive Pronoun
je me
tu te
il, elle se
nous nous
vous vous 
ils, elles se
je m’appelle*
tu t’appelles*
il, elle s’appelle*
nous nous appelons
vous vous appelez
ils, elles s’appellent*
je me lève*
tu te lèves*
il, elle se lève*
nous nous levons
vous vous levez
ils, elles se lèvent*
je m’assois*
tu t’assois*
il, elle s’assoit*
nous nous asseyons*
vous vous asseyez*
ils, elles s’assoient

*Note the spelling changes.

In general, the subject pronoun precedes the reflexive pronoun:

Je me lève à huit heures.
I get up at eight o’clock.

In commands, the subject pronoun is dropped. For pronominal verbs, the reflexive pronoun is added after the verb and connected with a hyphen:

Partez! Leave!
Asseyez-vous! Be seated!

Here is a list of common pronominal verbs:

s’appeler to be called
s’asseoir to be seated, to sit down
se réveiller to wake up 
se lever to get up
se laver to wash (oneself) up
s’habiller to get dressed


D'habitude, je me réveille vers sept heures du matin.
Normally I wake up around seven in the morning.
Je me lève une demie-heure après.
I get up half an hour later.
Je prends une douche et je m'habille.
I take a shower and get dressed.

Examples of Pronominal Verbs

  • Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît. J'en ai pour deux minutes.
  • Comment vous appelez-vous?
  • Je me lève d'habitude vers sept heures le matin.
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