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Spanish Grammar Guidebook

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Present Tense: Irregular Verbs

Back   Verb Tenses
(2nd of 36)

These verbs are commonly used and, since they do not follow the pattern you have learned for regular verbs, they must be memorized.

IR (to go)

voy vamos
vas vais
va van

PONER (to put)

pongo ponemos
pones ponéis
pone ponen

DAR (to give)

doy damos
das dais
da dan

DECIR (to tell, say)

digo decimos
dices decís
dice dicen

TRAER (to bring)

traigo traemos
traes traéis
trae traen

OIR (to hear)

oigo oímos
oyes oís
oye oyen

Examples of Present Tense: Irregular Verbs

  • Sí, tráigame una cerveza fría.
  • No gracias. Tráigame la cuenta, por favor.