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German Grammar Guidebook

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Double Infinitive

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(16th of 38)

When two or more modal verbs are used in a clause, the main verb and the dependent modal (D.M.) both appear as infinitives in the end bracket. The dependent modal infinitive appears last.

  Modal D.M. Main Verb
She wants to be able to call home.
F.B. E.B.
  Modal Main Verb D.M.
Sie will zu Hause anrufen können.

The causal verb lassen also appears in a double infinitive construction when used with a modal.

  Modal Main Verb Lassen
Er will sich die Haare schneiden lassen.
He wants to have his hair cut.

Examples of Double Infinitive

  • Ach, es wird sich schon was finden lassen.
  • Die haben sich letztes Jahr scheiden lassen.