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Spanish Grammar Guidebook
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Commands: Formal
(24th of 36) |
When you are directly addressing a person or persons that you would normally address as usted or ustedes, give formal commands by taking the yo form of the present indicative tense and changing the ending of -ar verbs to -e for singular (usted) commands or -en for plural (ustedes) commands and changing the ending of -er/-ir verbs to -a or -an. Because you are working from the yo form of the present indicative, the formal commands reflect the irregularities you find in irregular and stem-changing verbs. Regular Verbs -AR
Verbs with Irregular yo Forms
Stem-Changing Verbs
*NOTE: A spelling change is necessary to preserve the sound of the infinitives that end in -car, -gar, and -zar: c > qu, g > gu, and z > c. A few verbs have irregular command forms and must be memorized: