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French Grammar Guidebook

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(7th of 12)

There are two types of conjunctions: those that coordinate two phrases (such as "and," "or," "but," and "then") and those that subordinate one clause to another (such as "because," "that," "if," "although," "before," and "after").


A coordinating conjunction simply joins two independent phrases that may share common elements (such as the verb or the subject) without establishing any dependency between the two parts that are joined.

Here are some of the most common coordinating conjunctions in French

et and
ou or
mais but


Martine invite Robert au cinéma mais il a déjà vu le film.
Martine invites Robert to the movies, but he has already seen the movie.

Robert est trop fatigué et Martine a du travail à faire.
Robert is too tired and Martine has too much work to do.

Est-ce que tu préfères voir un film de Tati ou un film de Clint Eastwood?
Do you prefer to see a film by Tati or one by Clint Eastwood?


Subordinating conjunctions establish a hierarchy between the two clauses that are linked by them. The content of the subordinating clause in some fashion supports the preposition in the main clause.

Here are some of the more common subordinating conjunctions:

parce que because
depuis que since (temporal)
que that
puisque since (causal)

Consider the following examples:

Je détèste les manifs, parce qu'il y a trop de monde dans les rues.
I hate demos because there are too many people in the streets.

Depuis qu'il est parti, je ne suis plus heureuse.
Since he's left, I'm no longer happy.

Je ne crois pas que tu vas nous rendre visite ce week-end.
I don't think (that) you'll visit us this weekend.*

Puisqu'il n'a pas le téléphone, je vais lui écrire une lettre.
Since he doesn't have a telephone, I'll write him a letter.

*Note that in French the conjunction que ("that") cannot be omitted.

There are many more subordinating conjunctions, some of which require changes in the tense or the mood of the subordinated clause. For example, the Sujunctive is required after certain conjunctions.

Examples of Conjunctions

  • "Je déteste les manifs."
  • "Pourquoi ça?"
  • "Parce qu'il y a trop de monde dans les rues.
  • et puis il y a des embouteillages partout.