
Learn to Speak French Online:
French Grammar Guidebook

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Back   Verbs
(29th of 46)

In other sections, you studied the vous or polite forms of the imperative for both reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. Here, you see the imperative form of nous, as in Visitons l'appartement!—Let's visit the apartment!

To indicate "let us," the verb is put in the first person plural of the Present tense and the subject pronoun is dropped.

Allons au restaurant!
Let's go to the restaurant!
Déjeunons maintenant!
Let's have lunch now!
Let's go!

For reflexive verbs the reflexive pronoun is added with a hyphen after the verb:

Retrouvons-nous devant le cinéma vers huit heures.
Let's meet in front of the cinema around eight.

Examples of Let's

  • Ça n'a pas d'importance. Visitons l'appartement. Voilà l'entrée.
  • Voyons, une chambre, la salle de séjour, la salle de bains. Ça fait deux pièces plus la cuisine.